Internet Explore Internet Explorer Users:
  1. Copy the below website address
  2. In the top-right of this window, click the small Gear icon (next to star icon) then Click "Internet Options". image

  3. Click the "General" tab. Delete contents in the "Home page" field, then paste the copied above website address. Click "OK". image
Firefox FireFox Users:
  1. Find the Home shaped icon home_icon on the top-right of this firefox window as shown belowhome_icon_big

  2. Click & Drag the below Shinysearch logo to the Home icon on the top-right of this window
  3. Drag to Home icon on Window top =>

  4. Click "Yes" on the box that pops up.

Safari Safari Users (Mac):
  1. Copy the below website address
  2. In the top apple menu, Click "Safari" & then click "Preferences..."
  3. In the preferences window, click on the "General" icon in the top left oorner. Then Paste the copied above website address in the "Homepage"" box
  4. Set "New windows open with" to 'Homepage' and also "New tabs open with" to 'Homepage'
  5. Close the preferences window.

Click the "Add to Chrome" button below and then click "Add" in the box that pops up.

Theme Saved in Chrome

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